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Information for executors

We understand that dealing with the death of a loved one, a friend, or a client can be a long and sometimes difficult process. Our team are here to help carry out the deceased’s final wishes. We pledge to always assist, guide and support you in any way we can.

Although we are not able to provide legal advice, the information below is a summary of the information you can find online and some other information you might find useful. We would always recommend you seek independent legal advice if you need help when administering an estate.

Other names and addresses

We became known as the Institution of Engineering and Technology in 2006. Other ways in which we are commonly named in a will are:

  • Institution of Electrical Engineers
  • Institution of Incorporated Engineers.

If the name mentioned in the will you have is not listed above, but you think the IET or the Futures Fund may be the intended beneficiary, please get in touch with us.

Our registered address is often used in the will. This is:

The Institution of Engineering and Technology
Futures Place
Kings Way

The will could be using our old address or our London address:

Michael Faraday House
Six Hills Way


Savoy Place
2 Savoy Place

The information we will need to know and be sent is:

  • The name and address of the person who left the gift. This will mean we can make sure no further mailings are sent out.
  • A copy of the clause in the will that names the IET or the Futures Fund. This will help us ensure that the gift is spent in the way the deceased wished.
  • We would also love to know why we were remembered in someone’s will. This isn’t a necessity, but it does help put our work into perspective.
  • Depending on the type of gift we may need further details.

We appreciate that administering an estate can take some time and want to help you where we can. Please get in touch if you have any questions.

IET Fundraising Team
The Institution of Engineering and Technology
Futures Place
Kings Way

Frequently asked questions

A selection of FAQs about leaving a gift in your will to the Futures Fund.

Read our FAQs

Contact us

If you’d like to find out more about our work or to discuss leaving a gift in your Will, please contact Elsa Scott at or at +44 (0)1438 767253.